
Mail Server using LDAP backend w/ Postfix and Dovecot

We will set up OpenLDAP as backend for our mail services using a custom schema for our users. The schema uses a dedicated organization unit which acts as a container for our hosted domains and users. The virtual mail users will use their primary e-mail address to login to the server and each user can […]

Allow users to categorize spam using IMAP

We will allow users to categorize mail as Spam by placing them in user-specific Spam mailboxes. Contrary moving a message flagged as Spam to any other mailbox will relearn it as Ham. IMAPSieve configuration Dovecot supports this via its IMAPSieve plugin which we will configure in our custom configuration /etc/dovecot/local.conf to avoid touching release-specific files in […]

Sieve filter recipes

Spam filtering Some mailing-lists tend to be more spammy than others. If we put a filter before they are handled by the rest of the script, we can fish for bad guys before they get filed. #selective spam filter if allof (envelope :matches :domain “From” [“*”,”*”,”*”,”*”,”*”], header :contains “X-My-Unique-Spam-Flag” “Yes”) { fileinto “Spam”; stop; } […]