
Build custom Debian packages

We will install a current Debian release to a build environment which will spawn in an isolated light-weight namespace container. mount /var/lib/machines/build debootstrap –arch amd64 bookworm /var/lib/machines/build/ http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ Create a start script to spawn the container. cat << EOF > ~/bin/c-buildstart.sh #!/bin/sh mount /var/lib/machines/build systemd-nspawn -D /var/lib/machines/build EOF Copy custom shell configuration to the container. […]

Custom Debian apt repository

Let’s set up a local repository that will host our custom Debian packages using reprepro. We can configure multiple release trees if we want to support multiple distributions. These will be specified in the following file: /var/www/leuxner.net/apt/debian/conf/distributions Origin: edi.leuxner.net Label: Edi-Builds Suite: edi-bookworm Codename: bookworm Architectures: amd64 Components: main Description: Apt repository edi.leuxner.net SignWith: 5BAFE291B480790324E60B1E58C127953C5EB05E […]